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Since I got the rear and engine mounts buttoned up, I had a chance to order the driveshaft. I ended up going with a company an hour or so away, Driveshaft Specialist Inc. Brent was able to find exactly what I needed in his parts bin to mount the Subie diff. to the Chevy transmission and work with the lengths I provided.

The final seal-to-flange distance ended up being 19.75″, so it’s a pretty tiny driveshaft as you can see compared to my (almost) two year old daughter. I ended up going 2″ diameter, but could have gone thicker given the diameter of the U-joints. Either way, the 1/2 true critical speed on this shaft is over 26k RPM, so I should have no vibration issues. Yoke slip is right at 1 inch.


2 thoughts on “Driveshaft”

  1. Steve LaMonica says:

    Hey Josh,

    Love the project !!!
    How can I sign up for future notices of your postings / additions to the site ?

    thanks ~
    Steve in Chicago

    1. Josh says:

      Hey Steve, thanks for the comment. You can sign up to the RSS feed if you have a RSS reader (, or you can subscribe to the thread on Triumph Exp at


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